Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Indian people as world champs

A lot of people think we were brave giving birth in India. ...but hello. ...Indian people loooove children. I would say they are crazy about children and really know how to take great care of them. Yes, it is a culture shock but it doesn't mean our Swedish way is better.
The only thing I am forceful about is not wrapping our Viking baby in to many clothes. Winter here is summer for us and if Baba wears hat, mittens,  sock and a knitted sweater in 20+ degrees,  he will melt.
Apart from that, the oil massages, their rocking techniques,  the gentle touch and the fact that everyone wants to cuddle with Baba (old and young) - Indians are world champs in baby care.
So if you're having a baby here, why not stay in the country? Our new nanny started yesterday and Baba just smiled. ..the monster eater did not pay attention to his precious feeding time. He pierced his big blue at her, became exited and smiled one of those smiles where you melt as butter in the sun.
See the full wrapping of Baba after birth. ..hehe

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