Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Blackhead nose in Body Shop

I did some shopping for Baba yesterday and wanted to buy a welcome gift to our new angel (our nanny who I love and will help as much as possible). I went to Body Shop which is really expensive here in comparison to other brands. 

But dude,  the only thing I could focus on was the clerk.  Here he is selling natural clean beauty products advising me on different skin products and his nose had the biggest blackhead I've ever seen except for YouTube clips! The entire nose was blackhead explosion and my urge to squeeze them was growing by the second.

I have greasy skin myself so I can see the difference if you try to do something about it or if you never even bothered (this guy was the last alternative). I know our skin type is hereditary and that it's not his fault. I am puzzled how you tell other people how to treat their skin with natural Body Shop products, when I was only looking at the huge blackheads on his nose.

The truth is that his nose is what I remember from my visit to Body Shop. 

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