Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Easily afraid

Lil Baba is in a phase where he gets afraid and scared of things, so I make sure he can always hear me by singing if I leave him to do household work or similar. However,  if he would have his say, I would do nothing else but just be with him every second of the day.

I'm glad we have established a network of people who help solve this baby equation. 

His grandparents are visiting and Baba was so scared in the beginning. - Who are these people? Especially that man (grandfather)...with thick dark hair...buäääää, buäääää

But he's also an easy sell hehe when it comes to love and attention. It took half a day to get used to them and now...

He loves his grandparents! He smiles, they cry and take pics. He does his morning gymnastics in their bed, and the most touching part for me was this morning when...

Grandfather sat with Baba on the couch feeding a very happy Lil Raja.

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