Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Baba or Raja (king)

Dude (I noticed that I picked this up from one of the funniest people I've ever met, an Indian lady) is Baba spoiled or what!  ...no wonder he cries when it's only Mama haha
- Mama no fun like nanny. Nanny play with me all day, only me, me, me. Mama boring do other things not me. Clean, eat, dishes, shop. What about MEEEE every second of the day?
He is so spoiled (I know a baby can not be spoiled in this ie joke) with love and attention. I guess he should be called Raja (king) instead of Baba
No really,  I love watching my son happy and in good hands.  I want his love cup to be overflowing. I am happy when he is happy.
And DUDE am I blogging like a mad woman. It is so easy on the phone. I need to get things out of my system and I see this as a diary of our time in Bangalore.

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