Sunday, March 31, 2013

Simple Girl to Regal Lady


I don't know what I think of this ad, or the entire concept. It's a program for "a simple girl into a regal lady" (quote)

It looks fun and has mountaineering and sports on one hand BUT on the other it has:

Beauty Therapy
Flower Arrangement
Ballroom Dance
Food and Beverage production (ie cooking)

Would these classes be offered to men? Don't think so. What is the purpose. become a good house wife?

What do you think?

Mr Linda

- Sir, why are you standing to the side? (Hotel receptionist)
- Because I booked the hotel and is taking care of the bill (me, Linda)
- I am so shocked.  I have never heard of this before. (Hotel receptionist)

So that was the start of our conversation explaining that Swedish marriages are very equal and that we don't have set rules that a woman have to do this and a man that. I, Linda booked the hotel and also settled the bill....

...but it was still Mr Linda on all receipts.

O yes..I'm getting old so I stacked my bag full of all the disposable items haha.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Saturday get away

When I woke up this morning,  not even my really strong willpower got me up. My muscles ached, feet were red and swollen and the entire body felt heavy as concrete.
It has been a fun but also straining week. Moving, unpacking, inlaws, lots of installation and delivery men.

It's sooo good my husband and I will get away for 24 hours just him and me. We're checking into a hotel for rest, massage, dinner, room service. .....but I still wonder what will happen.

Maybe we'll just crash in bed and sleep the entire time.


Saturdays are days off in my country but a regular working day in India. For Swedish people, this day is kind of your own,  your private day when you can sleep in, walk around in your pyjamas all day and be sure that no one will bother you.

As a person,  I respect the country where I'm at and adjust,  but here is one thing that really irritates me. On Saturday when I need to really relax, people start calling at 9am.  Just because it's Saturday,  I automatically gets irritated and if the caller is an annoying sales person.....grrrr.

Friday, March 29, 2013

18 Again. ...O my dude!

Where do I begin? It's a "female down there" cream to tighten the area so you're 18 again. There is advertising for it everywhere and this is a country where people are prude compared to Sweden. India is a country where you need to cover yourself and wear a shawl over your breasts, so when this "tell it like it is" advertising is all over the place. is hysterical.

No the hysterical is from the FAQ page on 18 Again website.

"Question 46. Does 18 Again work for women of all ages? I am 65, any hope? Yes, actually 18 Again is for all age groups"

Great India - stone houses

Stones houses are great. Especially when it comes to cleaning the balconies and a terrass. There is a small built in drain everywhere which is like Einstein in the cleaning world!

It means you just pour out buckets of water on the floor.  The water flows towards the drain and voilà! !! You floor is clean.

Since Swedish floors are made of wood,  the above tactic is a fast way to get a rotten house. You have to mop the floors always being careful not to leave puddles of water behind.

My sister bought a Golden Retriever puppy who always peed on the same spot in the apartment (before the dog became potty trained). The wodden floor became mushy and that particular spot swelled the wood and basically ruined the floor.

So, my vote goes to stone houses with stone floors.

Great Indian inventions

I promised to post more inventions/solutions. This is one. It's a small water hose that is always located on the side of the toilet. I don't know if it is "toilet paper", but its great for cleaning the toilet and bathroom floor.

Another added effect is the pressure in this hose, which is usually high. That way you just rinse everything off and the pressure gets rid of dirt but also easily flushes hair and other to the "golvbrunn"

Ever bathroom should have this.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Girls just wanna have fun

Tonight I'm going out for sushi. ..for the first time in over a year. I love sushi so I'm gonna stuff this body full. It's also the first time I'm out on my own (no Baba and no husband)....JUST THE GIRLS.!


Here's another one...

Who is relaxed. Baba is sleeping with his grandparents and enjoying himself to the max.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Lil Baba is now 3 months old and for the first time I feel my entire body is relaxing.

We have our caretaker,  Baba's grandparents and ourselves to take care of him. We have also moved to a heaven like area of Bangalore, which is apparently of of the poshest neighborhoods. You can tell it is.

Since we want to stay here longer, we have to make it work for us and we need this type of accommodation.  We spend so much time at home because we're parents now. We don't get to travel as much as we would have if not for Baba.

I feel happy. I can relax now and don't need to run around like Energizer Bunny all day between Baba, all the boring but necessary household work, my quest to get back in shape and cope with pain.

Since it's scolding hot now @ 35 degrees Celsius,  we're going to the air conditioned mall.

Easily afraid

Lil Baba is in a phase where he gets afraid and scared of things, so I make sure he can always hear me by singing if I leave him to do household work or similar. However,  if he would have his say, I would do nothing else but just be with him every second of the day.

I'm glad we have established a network of people who help solve this baby equation. 

His grandparents are visiting and Baba was so scared in the beginning. - Who are these people? Especially that man (grandfather)...with thick dark hair...buäääää, buäääää

But he's also an easy sell hehe when it comes to love and attention. It took half a day to get used to them and now...

He loves his grandparents! He smiles, they cry and take pics. He does his morning gymnastics in their bed, and the most touching part for me was this morning when...

Grandfather sat with Baba on the couch feeding a very happy Lil Raja.

Monday, March 25, 2013

India vs Sweden

For me, this motive is so much more than just a few colorful candles.  It's India in a nutshell! Especially when compared to what a Swedish box of candles would look like. Our standard candle is plain white,  but in India,  the more vibrant color - better.

I prefer the Indian candles.  They're just more fun.

In laws

My in laws arrived in the middle of the night. They're staying here for two weeks,  mainly to behold the wonder their first grandchild.  That's just standard protocol.

Since we had no time to give the short crash course of "what to do and not to do", I told my husband:

- You have to tell them because our caretaker is here.
- But I don't want wake them up, so I'll lock them in the room.
- Yea! That's a great idea (not), but if you think it's better. .well it's your parents. Can you at least slide a note under the door?
- Ok, here it is.

Note: Don't walk (like that is possible now) out of the room without clothes on.

Swedes are more relaxed in terms of clothing.  We don't walk around naked, but it's not weird for us to see each other in pajamas or just underwear especially since it's so hot for us here. I know that would never happen in India! My husband and I have adapted to this culture, but we'll have to give them the crash course....

...when we unlock them from the room.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

I would love to live in Israel


I love history - Israel has so much history.
I love snorkeling - The Red Sea has the best coral reefs and diving in the world.
I am Christian - well, Jesus!
My husband works in IT - lots of IT companies with really smart people
I love diamonds - one of the diamond hubs are there
I love Mediterranean climate - check!
It's good to visit Sweden now and then - only like 4-5 hour flight

If you know me

Then you know I'm honest and love the fun and weird that happens in our life.

I don't take myself to seriously.  In one way I'm an adult but in another way I still feel like a little girl. I hope I don't offend anyone for sharing what really happens.

Keeping a mask on is one aspects of humans I view as rather stupid. Hey, we're humans you and me. Not perfect.  We all do things or think thoughts we don't share with others.  Some because it actually is private, some that we are ashamed of. Maybe society tells us we are abnormal if we do certain things or maybe gender roles tells us that we must love cooking or be the powerful head of the family.

I like stretching these conventions. We (me and my husband) "blame" my father for that. It's called the "Lasse Gene" or I'm Lasse's daughter.

Dude, my dad always does thw unthinkable.  He is hilarious. He has NO filter between thoughts and what comes out of his mouth. You would think people hate him, but it has always been the opposite. Why? He means no harm and is a man with pure and innocent heart.  He loves people and they love him.

Growing up with Lasse was an adventure and he was my biggest hero.

It's Lasse and me as my new profile pic.

This is nuts though

and would shock an Indian. You know I have pain and need rest.  Yesterday was so bad for my pain and since we were shifting,  everything was a mess.

But I had to lay down for a short rest and the only thing I had was one pillow. ...wait...and the dog bed.

So me, madam haha...placed layed down on the floor in our new bedroom. The pillow had to go under my lower back to relieve the pain and the dogbed....

.....was used as my pillow. Haha

Ok, I could go on telling you are dogs only weigh 3kg, do salon treatment (schampo, conditioner and blow dry), have the best vaccinations and no pests...but still!

Madam of the house in one of the poshest Bangalore areas on the floor sleeping in the dog bed! Yes its and exaggeration but dude did I laugh at myself.

Makes me wonder about what other people do behind closed doors when no one is looking?


No pictures yet. We're moved yesterday and I'm so super super duper happy.  It's much more quiet here which is crucial for us, the dogs and Lil Baba.

I know from an Indian perspective we might seem like nuts, but foe us the dogs are family members. They are always part of the equation when we make choices and I would never give them up just to move to another country or apartment.  Where we go, they go.

Their needs are not the top of the hierarchy (we are not that crazy yet. ..where the dogs have a seat at the dining table lol). Nowadays it's The Red Hulk (our baby), theb us and the dogs next.

Happy ending nr 1

I had three pieces of jewelry that truly meant the world to me. My engagement and wedding rings and my diamond cross necklace.  Except for those,  I don't wear so much jewelry.

The diamond cross was stolen a month ago and actually chipped a chunk of my heart.  I always wear it and since I am a devote Christian it showed the world my faith in God and Jesus.

I got insurance money and bought a new cross that finally arrived yesterday in the middle of our move to a new apartment.

I bought my first Rose Gold piece of jewelry from 21Diamonds, an online shop where you can design your own jewelry.

Here it is. (It is straight but the light makes it look little funky)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Dark under eye circles

Well,  for the grey/purple circles under my eyes the doctor said...

- Give it some time.

(Lack of sleep.  Baby...I guess says it all)

Friday, March 22, 2013

Things u do when tired

From constant lack of sleep with a newborn.

Try to brush your teeth with the toothpaste tube
Throw the dish brush and detergent in the trash.
Try to pay your driver with an old receipt
Fill the coffee cup with powder instead of water
Sleep (apparently) with one leg straight up pointing at the ceiling.
Put the remote control in the fridge.
Search the entire apartment for your bag that is in plain site on the bed.


I'm melting with love

A  Lil Baba and his T Bear.

What is a Cowboy?

I just told the driver that police have same hats as Cowboys, but  he did not know what a cowboy is.

Assumptions like what I did,  taking for granted that everyone knows what a cowboy is fascinate me.

Tell a westerner about Big B and they have no clue.  However,  in India everyone knows who he is.

Tip. Look at the pic. They have something in common. (The beard) you see the price!!!!

No more munching at Leelah for me. I bought the cheapest sandwich for 300rs. Total ripoff but I'm starving.

Dolce Botox Vita

Haha. Today I'm going all in playing the part of an expat wife with nothing else to do than shopping and working on her looks. ( I told you about my crisis light after birth and that I've felt like a stranded miserable whale during pregnancy.)

I'm going to Leelah Palace and put botox in my frown between the eyebrows...haha. I grind teeth when sleeping and squeeze my forehead and eyebrows. Sometimes I wake up with clicking jaws and my cheek muscles aching (I have a dental inlay).

Ok so lets say it is pure a medical reason for me doing botox (that's a lie hehe). The truth is I'm curious and a real easy sell when it comes to creams and beauty products.  These treatments are extremely affordable compared to Sweden so that is why I'm heading to Leelah right now.

On the other hand. It is important to take care of yourself (no need to botox) and not loose YOU just because you're a wife or mom. You need to eat well, exercise, watch a movie, or meet some friends.  Just you. I read at Indusladies that women are like water that shapes according to the cup or bottle.  No! We are human beings! That is old school values.  Men and women are different, yes, but I can also drive, do carpentry, and dig a ditch.

Swedes are much more liberal. I know that. I'm kind of scared of becoming like Al Bundy mom who wanders around the house with old clothes covered in food spots and baby puke. Someone who gains another 40 kg eating chips and cookies. You get the point.

Yes, true beauty is not the cover of the book. It always boils down to the heart.

So here I am waiting for my treatment staring at the roof.

Fair and Tan

To be fair or tan...that is the question Hamlet asked himself.

I come from a part of the world where people do everything to get tanned. We go to Spain and do nothing but tan on the beach.  There are tanning salons all over Sweden.  You can buy tan in a creme or spray. As a child when everything is a competition, I was so jealous of one of my best friends who tanned really easily.  Me on the other hand got red at first and then tan. People made rude comments about me being fair and pale.

So I move to India and it is the complete opposite!  There is even a spray for whiter armpits. Fair and lovely is a mantra here. 90% of all facial creams have whitening ingredients.  Clerks always try to sell whitening creams to me....Hello? ? Think...I'll become a ghost if I use such lotions.

Conclusion?  We want what we are not.  Straight hair wants curly hair. Tan wants fair. Blue eyes wants brown. ..but also, society sets the ideal on a more deeper level.  Every culture has an image of the ideal man and woman so we grow up wanting to look like that because all humans wants to be attractive,  fit in, be adored, accepted. It is both the ego and more crucial surviving.

Think about that word, surviving. Why do you think I chose it?

Turning Indian

Haha...maybe I'm turning Indian.  This morning I preferred taking a shower the local way using two different size buckets.

Not only that. I am starting to like strappy sandals (which I never wore before). I use hair oil haha. I think Indian style coffee is delicious and much better than any cappuccino or latte.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


I met a US lady with pain problems at the doctor's office yesterday.  It felt so good talking to someone who knows how it is. She said something that sums up the problem.

- After the injection I felt no pain and my entire body relaxed.  Then I realized how much constant stress my is under. That the pain keeps my body in constant tense panic mode and how it tears me down.

That is exactly how it is! The pain sends signals to the brain around the clock. It affects mood,  patience and makes me exhausted,  yet hyper at the same time.

The doctor (who is top of the top. She said it as well) wants to give a spinal injection that blocks the nerves down my left hip and leg. He wanted me to think about it. He is realistic and I like that. He doesn't promise a miracle,  but says that an overall program of massages, rest, exercise,  ergonomics,  medicines (I want minimum yet function since life goes on) will help for management of the pain.

So now I'm thinking about it and will do pro con research online.

Do you see him?

Can you see the man next to the Rikshaw? With a red shirt.

He passed me on some sort of home made "wheelchair". A square board with metal rings as "wheels". He used a pair of flip flops to push himself forward on this busy streets.

On his own with a white bag with his belongings in his lap.

Luxury and World Class

Deluxe,  Respectable,  Professional. ...these words are totally 'abused' here. The meaning is watered down so much that the smallest little barber shop with Zac Efron (wonder if he gets his royalties hehe) as a poster boy is World Class. A crappy apartment is Deluxe. The shady travel agency is World Class. You get the picture.

Not only is everything deluxe, respectable and world class. The names of these places are also total rip offs. Disney Land baby store. The Mcdonalds House Indian takeaway etc. I enjoy myself a lot looking at these signs (of wonder) when I'm traveling around the city.

It's hysterical, comical and kind of like this place in a nutshell.  I like it.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

"White men can't jump"

Does anyone remember that movie?

Let's do a Prince. ..

On Groupon they're selling a silicone height increaser. I can buy that. There are a lot of short men here....but WHY would a basketball player keep it in his shoes? Haha. How is he going to run and play a game with these silis wobbling around his shoes? Sure, no man can jump using these increasers.

Lil Baba like Big Papa

Lil Baba is like Big Papa.  He doesn't like lotion, especially in the face. He just potted and was so mad at me for cleaning his face but then it knocked on the door and he was quiet like an angel.

The funny thing is he is becoming a real person now. Before he was like an eat, poop and sleep package.  Now I could see his excitement when his favorite girl came (nanny). Another thing I've already noticed (if that is possible with a 3 month baby) is that even though I know he loves me very much.  He also knows I'm his mama so he treats me accordingly.  Guests and other people are somewhat more exciting. .I'm around all the time. Haha

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

An Indian spider on my face scrub

This one is dedicated to my spider phobic sister. .haha...

Last night an Indian spider was comfortably positioned on my face scrub so no scrubbing for me.


It's not a good day for me today.  I woke up with an aching body. Arrows of pain shooting from hip down the leg and mid spine are also hurting.  Feeling like an 80 year old Quasimido is not the best.

Tomorrow I'm going to a really good pain specialist and I'm meeting another expat patient of his to kind of have a two member cell group.  He/She is from the US and I'm looking forward to meeting this person. I need someone to talk to who really understand how it feels. It's like always having an irritating thorn in your body. It restrains you and it affects mood and patience.

So when you have a 3 month baby who screams when your leg screams in another way...its difficult. 

Some days are good and some days are like today.

Monday, March 18, 2013


MRP or maximum rupees price is fantastic!  It is printed on every item you buy and is a great way to make sure you are not paying to much.

Why don't we have this in Sweden!? The only place I've seen it is on cigarettes. ...

I'm gonna write some more about great Indian 'inventions' that I have noticed. .more to come.

Our nanny

She must be the sweetest person on this planet.  She is a gem with a heart of gold.  Like Indian women in general,  she loves children and has that special touch with Lil Baba.

Bottle Water or Water bottle?

Today I ordered bottled water and it was impossible for the guy to understand what I wanted,  until I said water bottle. ...hehe

My experience in when you speak phrases or use a combination of words that are not familiar. .the result is 'no comprende'

I'm learning each day how to use English to become understood. .hehe. fact it is time for me to learn Hindi now. 

Complicated Easy

Life here is complicated and easy at the same time.  Having a nanny and soon also a chef (haha) when you're just a house wife is a dream for many, a dream that is our reality. Since my body needs a lot of rest to function,  the nanny is crucial for me. Those days I've been up all day with Baba, my back is like a Swiss foldable pocket knife.

So what do I do then. Well,  everything is complicated and takes time. Last week I wanted to go to Mothercare (a children's store) at one of the biggest malls. ..this took an entire afternoon.  The cab driver did not find it, traffic was bad and then the usual hassle in every store....

Lots of clerks who don't know anything of the products the sell. They don't listen to your needs and show all the wrong items.  They want to sell me the entire store or at least the most expensive of everything. ...

Then finally at the cashier.  Ok, the card machine is not working.  Someone has to run a get another one. Then no connection,  then yes connection but slooooow. Like this all the time. 

The ultimate example is this. One of Indias biggest water companies (you have to buy drinking water) has an online order page.  I have ordered 3 times online where no one has showed up on slotted time,  actually not showing up at all.  So I had to call the switchboard,  be connected to the local water guy who then needed all the details again. Conclusion. matter how modern it seems it always boils down to making and receiving lots a phone calls to some local man.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Registration number,  notice number,  issue,  cancellation, order, complaint,  request,  service, and policy number...the list goes on.

Everything you do, order, receive has a long number code. Every phone call even. Sometimes I receive these numbers and don't even know why.

Do they really think I remember these numbers?

- Hi, what do you think of phone call nr:  56784533055777654890? haha

What's up with all these numbers. ..

Ooo Lil Baba likes Star Wars

I put him in his bouncer and he turned around totally fascinated with Star Wars on TV....

Star Wars conventions in 15 years? O

The poor woman bag

Whenever you buy a so called "secret" item, for instance medicine or female pads, they use these types of paper bags.

At first I didn't think much of it, until I read an article about these bags.  They are handmade by poor women who use old magazines and sit on street corners here and there. So they make their living on this trade.

It is a great story of recycling and putting people to work. I always think of these women when I see one of these bags.

A black pill

It's not a black spot on a piece of paper,  but a pill.

I had a lot of problems with constipation during my pregnancy and at one point it was torture. I had cramps, had not gone for a really long time and not even regular laxatives worked.

So my husband ran to the pharmacy and asked for something more powerful and they gave him this black pill saying it was extremely potent and we had to be very careful.

No wonder! !! He Googled this remedy and found it some Ayurvedic potion that contains Mercury (kvicksilver)!!! Duuude.

He never told me about this pill until afterwards when the "danger" was over so to say. Of course, swallowing some mercury is not ideal (to say the least) when you're pregnant,  but I guess he'd rather play it safe at that point. not being at my most stable state of mind....

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Well, I am interested in people

I am interested in people. I've had some stalkers before so please don't ask me for personal info. It creeps me out.

"Grab your eye balls"

If you're a native English speaker you understand what's funny about these statement. I saw it on an ad for a new shopping center. I'm gonna take my eye balls and put them in my bag and bring them to a movie tonight, hehe joke.

Happily married fyi

Please read my blog if you like what I write.  I am happily married with a baby boy,  and not interested in any type of personal contact with people,  especially men.

There are two men in my husband and my child....well my dog also.

Indian fabrics and shopping

Everyone who knows me also know me for being discount queen.  I like shopping, but also love smart shopping. I never buy at full price and often wait for sale, or Google to get the best price possible.  Well,  I like to be economic yet live a good life.
I live Indian fabrics, colors and patterns so moving it is also cheap! I bought a really nice bag and textile wallet at Leelah galleria yesterday. The wallet was 25 Sek and the bag like 170 Sek.
The place is called Anukki. ..tip if you share my passion.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Age crisis

Yes I am going through somewhat of a age crisis. Becoming a mom and you know. ..the body after delivery, you know.

Also the laser treatment I did today is like 18 times less expensive here than in Sweden where is about 20000 sek (180000 rs). I mean a one hour massage at Yasuragi in Stockholm is more expensive than the laser peel I did....but haha lol....look at me!!!

Tomato face, what color is the fire truck?

Luxury Leelah

Today I did something I have wanted to do for a long time. ...a laser peel on my face. Duuude, it hurt and smelled like burnt skin (which it is). This procedure is way less expensive than in Sweden and now is a good time.

The salon is at Leelah Palace,  the most luxurious place in Bangalore which I'd never been to before. ...but it's true.

Show me the fresh red rose petals in all the fountains and im like aaaaaa.

I don't have a million bucks but got a sense of what it feels like.

Just saw a man crawling between cars

Who was handicapped,  wearing a dress and begging for money.

This was on one of the busiest streets.

I don't like to say this ever but, o my God!

Men with eyeliner

Well, I like makeup so why shouldn't babies and men wear eyeliner to bring out their natural beauty. ... hehe (I know it's call kohl or something)

By the way why do babies wear kohl?

Drivers. ..but you're lost!

I'm used to always driving myself for the past 18 years,  but here we use drivers through a cab company.  Westerners, don't be mistaken! These cabs are not what we're used to.  In fact, our type of cab industry doesn't not exist.

Ok. You book a cab for 4 or 6 hours. Even a weekend or a week.  Then the driver is your personal driver for that period. What is weird is, for early pickups the driver sleeps in his car over night outside your house.  If you go on a trip, he stays in servant quarters,  and when your out doing the town people look at you....o she is a rich foreigner. that. Weird for me.

A funny and sometimes infuriating quality (or lack of) is...don't expect them to be able to find their way in traffic or even know where the biggest mall is. Praxis is that you get lost at least once. No GPS, maps or such. How often do I use my own Google maps to show them?

Since Indians don't like to make mistakes or admit he is waaaay lost, expect your driver to become silent, staring forward like his head was glued to his shoulders,  not communicating with you at all....especially if your a woman telling him it's the wrong way. If this happens,  your lost. Just sit back, relax and know you'll get there....eventually.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Dream on....

I want this watch. ..yeah yeah. ..dream on. Wish fairy godmother came to me.

Good night

Iron Man

We have Iron Man in our house. ...There is a man on the ground floor who irons clothes as a job (to my husband's delight). When we first arrived, we couldn't understand why there was a pile of coal outside the entrance. ...until we saw his iron. It's a huge metal iron with an inside compartment for the coal. Wow. Wonder if the shirts smell like barbecue, but who cares in a place where you're bombarded with smells? Insents, spices,  garbage,  trash (and burning trash), sweat,  food etc.

The smart thing about this iron don't have to care about power outages that happen all the time, and no electricity bill either.

6rs for a shirt which is less than 1 sek.



It is dirty here and we mop the floors every day,  and every day this is the loot. I understand why people have to hire cleaners since the dust and dirt drives you nuts.

Back home I mop the floors once a week.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Loosing fat flubber

I'm on a mission to get in shape. I work out three times a week and the Indian heat is also helping. ..sweating constantly. I have a long way to go since I'm not able to breastfeed and loose 500 calories a day on that.

But I know I am loosing slowly. How?  I never weigh myself.

Well, the bed is not squeaking  when I sit down on my side anymore.  The mattress is not as compressed as before when I was whale size.....haha. The squeak test.

Water buckets under trucks

Why is there always a bucket of water hanging under Indian trucks?

Blackhead nose in Body Shop

I did some shopping for Baba yesterday and wanted to buy a welcome gift to our new angel (our nanny who I love and will help as much as possible). I went to Body Shop which is really expensive here in comparison to other brands. 

But dude,  the only thing I could focus on was the clerk.  Here he is selling natural clean beauty products advising me on different skin products and his nose had the biggest blackhead I've ever seen except for YouTube clips! The entire nose was blackhead explosion and my urge to squeeze them was growing by the second.

I have greasy skin myself so I can see the difference if you try to do something about it or if you never even bothered (this guy was the last alternative). I know our skin type is hereditary and that it's not his fault. I am puzzled how you tell other people how to treat their skin with natural Body Shop products, when I was only looking at the huge blackheads on his nose.

The truth is that his nose is what I remember from my visit to Body Shop. 

Anger, Lies, Love, Smile

Ok, before you get angry at me for being frank, please read til the end.

I have been going through the phase when you're angry at everything in your new country.  People always try to cheat us, they literally worship money,  can only take orders and not think longer than the length of their nose. Women are treated so poorly here and I can't stand the chauvinism here. Poor moral and lack of respect for others are other issues that have driven me nuts for some months.  Just thus saying...

Baby girl, little happiness but Baby boy, FULL happiness!!

Lying is the standard.  If you're late...then some emergency happened.  If you don't know. say it's not possible. I went to buy a rose gold chain yesterday and the lady said they didn't have any, but I knew they did so I took the elevator to second floor and bought my chain.  Why was she so clearly saying they didn't have any? I'm a customer that could have left!  Another man said that rose gold did not exist in India.  Not true.  My belief states "The truth shall set you free".

Two weeks ago I decided that bull...t time was over and that I would take no more crap, but also felt peace and acceptance of the culture here. I can not sit on a high horse and be a judge. Life is very difficult here if you are poor. On the way back, I peeped out the window at the Auto/Rikshaw drivers and I saw sad faces, years of mistreatment and hardship.  I saw the little boy who cried for his mama and the hard words that had whipped them throughout life. I felt so much love for people,  the human being that is loved by God. I love being here now.  Going with the flow. How can I look at people through my Swedish goggles?  I have to put myself in their shoes and actually think longer than the tip of my own nose!

Indian people are beautiful. I saw a small family, very tanned from sun and dirty from hard work. ..but when the woman smiled with love at her husband. ..her crisp white teeth in contrast to the dark skin. Wow! Pure, innocent beauty in a smile.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Everyone can comment now

Everyone can comment now. I've written to much already and have to save some for tomorrow cuz I got some new puzzles to be solved.

Baba or Raja (king)

Dude (I noticed that I picked this up from one of the funniest people I've ever met, an Indian lady) is Baba spoiled or what! wonder he cries when it's only Mama haha
- Mama no fun like nanny. Nanny play with me all day, only me, me, me. Mama boring do other things not me. Clean, eat, dishes, shop. What about MEEEE every second of the day?
He is so spoiled (I know a baby can not be spoiled in this ie joke) with love and attention. I guess he should be called Raja (king) instead of Baba
No really,  I love watching my son happy and in good hands.  I want his love cup to be overflowing. I am happy when he is happy.
And DUDE am I blogging like a mad woman. It is so easy on the phone. I need to get things out of my system and I see this as a diary of our time in Bangalore.

Indian people as world champs

A lot of people think we were brave giving birth in India. ...but hello. ...Indian people loooove children. I would say they are crazy about children and really know how to take great care of them. Yes, it is a culture shock but it doesn't mean our Swedish way is better.
The only thing I am forceful about is not wrapping our Viking baby in to many clothes. Winter here is summer for us and if Baba wears hat, mittens,  sock and a knitted sweater in 20+ degrees,  he will melt.
Apart from that, the oil massages, their rocking techniques,  the gentle touch and the fact that everyone wants to cuddle with Baba (old and young) - Indians are world champs in baby care.
So if you're having a baby here, why not stay in the country? Our new nanny started yesterday and Baba just smiled. ..the monster eater did not pay attention to his precious feeding time. He pierced his big blue at her, became exited and smiled one of those smiles where you melt as butter in the sun.
See the full wrapping of Baba after birth. ..hehe

Gud or Good?

O boy has this 'gud' word made me puzzled.  First I thought it was bad English,  but every person I come in contact with spells GUD instead of GOOD. The fact that the word GUD means GOD in Swedish. ...well you understand.

God night, have a God day...haha

Another one is PLEZZ instead of PLEASE

Does anyone know why?

Monday, March 11, 2013

Summer in March / April

The Indian summer (yes it is summer here now) has not only knocked me out. It took me some conversations to understand that these months are called summer here. When I said that we wanted to move to a new place next summer, I always got the answer

- Aha, like around March / April.

But I am very very old!

That is what our 52 year old baby caretaker told us when we fired her. No one likes to fire a person,  but she covered her health issues and one day almost fainted in our living room. Did I panic or what?! She was the one who carried my newborn around in the apartment,  and we have stone floors.  You can get the thoughts that went through my head.

Not only did I have to discover that she had bad eyesight,  a bad back,  coughing,  and then this...low bp (blood pressure). I was like a roaring lion and had to let my husband talk to her after that incident.  Man, I could have physically beaten her! Her own desperation for a job made her lie to her teeth and put my baby in jeopardy.  I thank God for my laser eyes that pick up on all the details in my surrounding. Yes,  she did try to cover the fainting episode also, but I saw.

After we fired her, boy did she yell on the phone trying to get money.  I got so pissed that she had to sign a contract stating that she would never make any more claims or contact us, ever again.

But that sentence stuck in my mind. - But I am very very old.

For a swedish person,  52 is not so old. People work until they are 65, and then live until like 85 (less or more). So when I read an ad looking for an elderly nanny in her 40s...I got to think and revalute myself.

Dude,  I'm almost 40....elderly lady..don't think so hahaha.

Did some research and got the conclusion that 52 is India. People die much younger here.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

5kg bundle of joy

This is pure harmony and satisfaction. My bundle of joy weighs 5kg now and is picking up on the weight curve like a true champ.

It is funny how I as a parent felt so satisfied when we weighed him at the dr appointment.  I have done my part with it excellence haha. He is healthy and gaining weight.

Diet Coke on the diabetic shelf

There is only one sort of diet soda.Diet Coke in a can which is marketed to diabetics.  You even find it on designated "diabetic" shelves in the grocery store.

US Krispy Kreme donuts opened up a shop and Indians think the donuts are to sweet. Have you ever tried Indian sweets?  They are sweeter than sugar and I feel like my teeth are evaporating every time I have some.  I love a little cardamom ball called Gulab Jamon and eat it with thick Indian cream or curd (yoghurt)

They don't serve beef at Mcdonalds, only chicken.  They have Maharajaha Mac on the meny, but it is really bad. Go for the grilled paneer (thick white cheese) instead.

Eating fast food is for rich people.  It is more expensive than restaurants.  A meal for two at Subway is around 800rs where you can buy a huge meal at Nandhini for 400rs.

If you are invited to an Indian household for dinner,  the hostess will not eat,  sit to the side and only serve her family and guests.

If you don't eat a family serving of rice they complain that you don't eat enough.

The most popular foreign food is Chinese,  but it tastes Indian.

There is a dish called Chicken 65 with how many spices? (65)

When arriving here everything tastes spicy eveb the red pizza sauce or the crust on chicken nuggets.  After a while you are used to it.

Food is inexpensive.  I did online shopping the other day and did not pay attention to all the details,  only looked at when the vegetables arrived shopping bag of green beans, one for spinach etc. When you open the fridge it is like opening a door to the forest.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Vaccine and blue earplugs

The visit to Cloud Nine was great. We could not ask for a better pediatrician. Lil Baba got his week 10 shot and screamed so much it felt like someone stabbed a knife in my chest.  The mom gene activated and the remedy is always holding the baby close to heart.

He kept on screaming throughout the night, which is normal. Try telling me that !!! My sister told me that I would be the kind of mom I would be, ie find ways to make it work for me and here is my tip when you feel the tingling panic creeping up on you when your bundle of joy is screaming.

Use earplugs. ...don't stick them in all the way. Just enough so you can still hear everything and at the same time block some of the highest pitch out.  I use earplugs because it makes me more calm. If I am calm, then it is so much better in these situations. Before this, I felt my heart was shred to pieces and even started crying myself when Baba cried at the doctor's.

Man, did I feel stupid at that time but he just calmed me by saying - No mother can take her child crying. 

Second round of vaccinations

Today we are going to Cloud Nine for another round of Baba's vaccination program. The first round was a shock, 7000rs it cost. That is a lot of money here in India. Well, he surely is the high roller in this family now haha. A big yellow/red cyst started developing on his arm a week after the first shot and of course I got so worried. Not even I am able to escape the Mom gene (worrying, catastrophic thoughts etc) so we called the hospital. This was normal and sometime the Poolio vaccine even leave a mark for life in the form of a scar.

Got to go. Elvis started chasing a fly and scared the baby who was sound asleep.

Masala Oats....yuck

One thing I love about India is the food and the fact that it is normal to be vegetarian. Given the recent Facebook posts about cruelty to animals, I am soooo happy this country is "Veg". Just imagine another billion "Non-Veg" people on this planet. I am not strict Veg but prefer eating this on a regular basis, but I don't mind eating meat and is not against it. Indian currys, naan and rice..mmmmm

One thing I don't get though is India breakfast. I don't like it and the fact there is a commercial running all the time on TV from Quaker Oats presenting Masala Oats, ie veggie oatmeal, or oatmeal with garlic, pepper, chili etc. Hello! it is so bad period, and then having a bowl of this for breakfast. Yuck.

We always laugh about this when we see it on TV so when I got a sample with my order from Big Basket...haha....I promise you, this sample pack is the last thing I would eat on this planet.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Fingernail snack

Do you need more patience? Try cutting the fingernails on a baby. Well, throw in the toenails for a special patience lesson.  Here is why it makes you patient:

1, the nails are super duper small
2, if you have an active baby who jerks his arm or leg as soon as you touch them, it adds to the experience
3, you are worried to hurt your baby
4, the mere concentration and focus to do it right, hurts your eyes and makes them dry

Or you can do as our previous nanny said, bite them off. I tried to explain to her than it is not good to chew your baby's nails because the human mouth has a lot of bacterias. She persisted, -No, no, not from mother, mother no problem. I finished the discussion with firmly saying that in this house we cut fingernails, (we don't use them for snack). No, I did not say the last part

"A beloved child has many names"

"A beloved child has many names" says an old Swedish proverb and it's true

Here he is, my Lil Baba, mammas lilla gull, The Red Hulk, joff joff, frukten,etc, but he is nowhere near all the names my dad used to call first Golden Retriever had. Grisen, haren staren, osv osv

Photo: This kind of baby is a good baby..haha

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Blogging, a health sign

With C-section, back pain, muscle spasms, bowel problems etc neatly stacked in my memory luggage for the past two months where I basically had to cut away everything not labled as "crucial to get by the day". I am beginning to feel better. Lil Baba has been the number one priority as well as my recovery. I used to tell my husband "Happy Wife, Happy Life" but it also goes with Healthy and Mom.

I don't really want to go in to all details. Lets just say it has been the toughest period of my life. The outcome and result, Lil Baba, is wonderful though. He is sleeping in my lap right now and he is getting bigger by the day. True!!

I looked at photos from last week and I see a difference. I tried his carrier and it fits. 2 months ago, his head fell out of the hole where his arm was supposed to fit and now he is a head taller.

I love my baby.

Baby to Baba

I wanted to be anonymous in my first blog Baby in Bangalore, but now I don't care since I realized, in India I am everyting but anonymous so I'm changing my blog name to Baba in Bangalore. We had a baby boy on Dec 26th 2012 at Cloud Nine in Bangalore and I know this is an experience worth sharing cause it's NUTS, good and bad, viewed from every angle. Becoming a mom, having a baby for the first time and the adventure of doing so in India where babies are loved and where baby care is so different from what I grew up with.

Baba and homeshopping

Baba means boy and since we had a little boy and I want to transfer my pregnancy blog to my real account...I'm changing Baby in Bangalore to Baba in Bangalore.

I'm sitting here watching Indian homeshpping where you can buy Vedita jewellry set with 6 really over the top sets for 2099 rs. It is actually fun watching these commercials and comparing to what we have at home. Even though these necklaces would never sell at home, the setup and sales tactic is the same. So it is kind of same same but different and....the DO sell Proactive here as well

Vedita Collection nr 2