Saturday, April 27, 2013

Indian e-commerce

I would claim myself to been a pretty savvy e-commerce customer. I have purchased products from all over the world and this is my experience from India. It's got the cons AND the pros.

- Never buy anything unless the company offers COD, cash on delivery
- Never trust anything customer service tells you about delivery etc. They don't know,  has no authority and will lie if situation becomes uncomfortable
- Never believe the delivery mans estimate regarding time of delivery.  5 min can be 2 days.
- Words like reliable,  trustworthy,  world class have NO meaning whatsoever.

I recently bought a blue Hercules bicycle and received a red Avon with a crooked front wheel from one of the websites claiming to be all reliable and trustworthy.

Apart from that, if you still want to do online shopping in India

- There are some companies that are gems. Big Basket has never let me down.
- This is the country where you find the most beautiful home decor, furniture and fabrics
- The prices are like 1/10 of what you would pay in a western country

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