Sunday, April 7, 2013

I hate pain!

I rarely say I hate something but pain falls in this category. I love sleeping on my stomach,  but if I do, I get stuch with my entire lower back and hip aching.  I have to use my arms to roll over. I hate walking around like Quasimido.  I hate how pain affects my mood and how it kind of controls my life, because it does.

I also hate taking pain medicines and always having to keep track so I don't run out of pills because if I do....I can't get out of bed and if you have a baby, what are your options?

Maybe this patch is the solution for now. I am seeing a great pain specialist who prescribed this 7 day patch. It's not a life long solution, but for the first time since last summer I feel like a normal person.

Next week (if I can gather my nerves), I will do a surgery where he does something to block the nerves in my hip and leg. Through his practice I met an American woman who also suffers from pain. Even though I hate pain,  I also enjoy meeting and talking to someone who knows exactly how it is suffering from it.

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