Monday, April 8, 2013

Headache, Heat and Happy

Headache I got from delivery people not finding our house since last week until I posted my view on the company's Facebook page.  Then a perfect English speaking person called me and my pillows arrived within the hour.  This site has the most beautiful interior design.  My taste to 100% and the prices are fantastic if you compare to what we pay in Sweden.  Here I payed less than 20kr for a cover that would cost me at least 200kr in Sweden.

Heat right now is just to much. I slept with a wet towel on my body last night.  Someone said it will be the hottest summer in 80 years! !! Maybe some headache comes from the heat also.

Happy.  I feel happy.  When I woke up this morning I actually got up not using all my willpower to overcome pain.  My body felt normal and I thought. I actually forgot how it is what normal is.

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