Thursday, October 31, 2013

But Madame! !!

So here I was sweeping outside our entrance when a total stranger (and a servant) said - but Madame. ..and wanted to do the sweeping for me. Ok, this is the essence of "the difference between people and people". Both my faith and country is based on everybody being equal.  You know the famous "love and treat thy neighbor as yourself"?

Sweeping as I understand it, is the lowest ranking housework...for servants.  Of course I like to make a statement and do it myself.  If you know me, you know what makes me tick. So each time I'm out there as a spectacle, yes it is; people look at me with big eyes because I'm a Madame here. A Madame is basically a well off woman.

As a Swede,  our equality thinking is etched into our DNA so I will never really get the difference between people and people...but I do get it after living here more than a year.  I can use Indian spectacles and see who is what in society.  If two women walk down a street,  I know who is the Madame and who is not. By the way people dress,  you can tell if they're a politician,  doctor,  auto driver, garbage man, rich or poor. Well, not only the dress; also smell,  dust, hands and feet and overall appearance.  It's status to be able to take a shower each day and wear clean clothes.

Today, I visited a charity where I will start volunteering.  I went my affluent area to the other side of the tracks so to say. It's a school with handicapped children from poor families.  My job? Play with them and give soak those child sponges with attention water. Yes, I can support and provide other means as well but I really want to get down to basics and be with the children.  We danced,  played with puzzles,  I cleaned a little boy's finger and danced with the girls.  WOW! Instant love. They can give something more valuable than money and gold. I've missed this in my life.  Yes I have an own son, but he can share me a few hours a week with the children "they found tied to beds in the back room".

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Bollywood is big business and there's a new movie release right now,  Boss with Akshay Kumar. ...

Under our bed is our Boss. Sting came in to our family and ruled. We have tried to keep both dogs out from the kitchen (begging) for years. Sting however managed to keep Elvis out after dominating him one time some weeks ago. (You need to know about dog psychiatry to fully understand). Now, he is always located right outside the kitchen door with a funny look on his little face. She stands in the middle of the kitchen. ...Begging Boss.

Things you do when tired

-No, this is not where the coffee goes!
- Vomit on the floor and nothing to clean it with,  use your skirt.
- To tired or stressed to make your own breakfast,  well,  eat the leftover cerelac (äppelgröt)
- So you fell asleep with full makeup and look like a Halloween monster in the morning,  well, who cares.
- Sleep or shower?  That's a no brainer!
- Every morning the same story with a touch of panic. ...  Where is the night guard?  Under or in the bed? In the bathroom or kitchen?  (I use it to prevent grinding my teeth)
- Is that toe still alive? ..I mean from countless nights misjudging the distance to the door.

Disclaimer: This is what happened when becoming a parent.  I actually do spend my time keeping all lil Baba's things perfect and the house clean. It's all for him. We're his Entourage.  This is written with a touch of irony,  but I can assure you that all parents do crazy things at least once.

Monday, October 28, 2013

And there's 20 more. ..

Ahead of us waiting to get fueled.  I thought the driver was taking me for a ride, but there are customers in about half of the autos. What happened to filling up your tank between customers?  I think it's hysterical.

Friday, October 25, 2013


We just got back from a visit to Pondicherry, an old French colony by the coast.  Yes, the beach guards tried to stop me from swimming (probably because they could not swim themselves),  but nothing could stop me.  As a child,  I dreamt of being a fish or a mermaid. Silly thoughts of a child, but I still remember how I thought and the feeling is the same.

I've never had more dosa and idli in my entire life...and I liked it. We found a great restaurant, Surguru, where a full meal for three adults was about 200rs, ie 20 kronor! 

I met some new friends, visited fantastic antique shops, got a beautiful gift from my husband and got to bless some other people with gifts.  It's fun to receive,  but even more so to give to others.  Beggars are common, but I met a handicapped man that touched my heart. He was a SALES MAN who sold 5 items for 50rs....and he was persistent.  I was not really interested in scissors and clips, but he did not accept getting money for free so I ended up with the items. There were some other sales women who caught the moment and tried to interfere with his sales pitch...dude..did he get angry! On our way to the airport I saw him selling a bucket and a broom. I hope other people like myself see and appreciate that wonderful man. Many people have lost their dignity a long time ago (understandably so), but he knocked me off my feet. I'll remember him for the rest of my life.

I already told you about my visit to the tomb of St Thomas and that was a life defining moment for me.

For this little guy

I just conquered something people say is almost impossible to do.  Yea yea, your not supposed to say "A if you're not going to say B"'s one of the most irritating posts according to surveys.

I'm writing this blog as a diary of our time in India and I'll tell those I know later.  The message though is that I did it, for him. I love him and want to be the best mom I can be. Your own child sure is a strong motivator!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

St Thomas and Me

Ever since I began studying the Bible,  I always identified myself with the disciple Thomas. He was the one who wanted to see with his own eyes that Jesus was resurrected,  ie he could not believe unless he saw it himself.  Ok, big J gave him a lesson on true faith and there's a lot more to the story.

My path as Christian is kind of in the same spirit as Thomas.  I had to see with my own eyes because I'm usually a very rational scientific type of person who always wants all the facts.

Then how on earth could I miss this one?! Haha. It's so funny the paths in which we are led. Ok, so we visit Chennai and I ask a woman about "some church someone told me about". We go there and the only thing I think about is that it's nice and fully white,  hmm funny I'm also dressed in fully white by chance.

We enter the reception and I see a sign "St Thomas Tomb".....what!!!!??? Is this that church! The Santhome Church is raised over the tomb of Thomas who went to India.  I felt completely knocked off my feet. I had no clue.  I may not ever visit Chennai again. ..but I got to see this after two of the most difficult and victorious weeks of my life. 


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Crazy Drummer

If you need a laugh AND be impressed by the drummer. He does not lose speed OR the drumsticks. That's amazing

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Delight and Anger

Right now, this is something in my life. I will explain later that makes sense to hopefully even religious sensitive people.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Tänd ett ljus (Light a candle)

Very appropriate for my mood right now....a classic Swedish song we all now and like even if we don't admit it.

Light a candle

Dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom
Dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom (x3)
Light a candle and let it burn
Never let the hope fade away, it's dark now
But it will be lighter again
Light a candle for everything you believe in
For this planet we live on
Light a candle for the children of the earth
Dom dom dom...
I saw a star falling
Tonight when every one was asleep
I think i wished
That you were close
A minute ago it burned
A second ago it disappeared
I was the only one who saw
They sang about peace on earth on the radio
I wanted to believe the broken words
Dom dom dom...
Light a candle and let it burn
Never let the hope fade away
It's dark now
But it will be lighter again
Light a candle for everything you believe in
For this planet we live on
Light a candle for the children of the earth
Dom dom dom...
I got a card from Windhem
I didn't now where it was
I saw it on the map
You're on the other side of the earth
But it is the same sky
It's the same ocean and star that I saw
It fell for everything we dream about
It fell because we will never forget
Dom dom dom..
Light a candle and let it burn
Never let the hope fade away, it's dark now
But it will be lighter again
Light a candle for everything you believe in
For this planet we live on
Light a candle for the children of the earth
Dom dom dom...
Merry christmas and a happy new year
Promise to take care
A greeting to you
Light a candle and let it burn
Never let the hope fade away, it's dark now
But it will be lighter again
Light a candle for everything you believe in
For this planet we live on
Light a candle for the children of the earth
Oh, light a candle for the children of the earth
Light a candle for the children of the earth

Light a candle

Dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom
Dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom (x3)
Light a candle and let it burn
Never let the hope fade away, it's dark now
But it will be lighter again
Light a candle for everything you believe in
For this planet we live on
Light a candle for the children of the earth
Dom dom dom...
I saw a star falling
Tonight when every one was asleep
I think i wished
That you were close
A minute ago it burned
A second ago it disappeared
I was the only one who saw
They sang about peace on earth on the radio
I wanted to believe the broken words
Dom dom dom...
Light a candle and let it burn
Never let the hope fade away
It's dark now
But it will be lighter again
Light a candle for everything you believe in
For this planet we live on
Light a candle for the children of the earth
Dom dom dom...
I got a card from Windhem
I didn't now where it was
I saw it on the map
You're on the other side of the earth
But it is the same sky
It's the same ocean and star that I saw
It fell for everything we dream about
It fell because we will never forget
Dom dom dom..
Light a candle and let it burn
Never let the hope fade away, it's dark now
But it will be lighter again
Light a candle for everything you believe in
For this planet we live on
Light a candle for the children of the earth
Dom dom dom...
Merry christmas and a happy new year
Promise to take care
A greeting to you
Light a candle and let it burn
Never let the hope fade away, it's dark now
But it will be lighter again
Light a candle for everything you believe in
For this planet we live on
Light a candle for the children of the earth
Oh, light a candle for the children of the earth
Light a candle for the children of the earth


Light a candle

Dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom
Dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom (x3)
Light a candle and let it burn
Never let the hope fade away, it's dark now
But it will be lighter again
Light a candle for everything you believe in
For this planet we live on
Light a candle for the children of the earth
Dom dom dom...
I saw a star falling
Tonight when every one was asleep
I think i wished
That you were close
A minute ago it burned
A second ago it disappeared
I was the only one who saw
They sang about peace on earth on the radio
I wanted to believe the broken words
Dom dom dom...
Light a candle and let it burn
Never let the hope fade away
It's dark now
But it will be lighter again
Light a candle for everything you believe in
For this planet we live on
Light a candle for the children of the earth
Dom dom dom...
I got a card from Windhem
I didn't now where it was
I saw it on the map
You're on the other side of the earth
But it is the same sky
It's the same ocean and star that I saw
It fell for everything we dream about
It fell because we will never forget
Dom dom dom..
Light a candle and let it burn
Never let the hope fade away, it's dark now
But it will be lighter again
Light a candle for everything you believe in
For this planet we live on
Light a candle for the children of the earth
Dom dom dom...
Merry christmas and a happy new year
Promise to take care
A greeting to you
Light a candle and let it burn
Never let the hope fade away, it's dark now
But it will be lighter again
Light a candle for everything you believe in
For this planet we live on
Light a candle for the children of the earth
Oh, light a candle for the children of the earth
Light a candle for the children of the earth


Light a candle

Dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom
Dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom dom (x3)
Light a candle and let it burn
Never let the hope fade away, it's dark now
But it will be lighter again
Light a candle for everything you believe in
For this planet we live on
Light a candle for the children of the earth
Dom dom dom...
I saw a star falling
Tonight when every one was asleep
I think i wished
That you were close
A minute ago it burned
A second ago it disappeared
I was the only one who saw
They sang about peace on earth on the radio
I wanted to believe the broken words
Dom dom dom...
Light a candle and let it burn
Never let the hope fade away
It's dark now
But it will be lighter again
Light a candle for everything you believe in
For this planet we live on
Light a candle for the children of the earth
Dom dom dom...
I got a card from Windhem
I didn't now where it was
I saw it on the map
You're on the other side of the earth
But it is the same sky
It's the same ocean and star that I saw
It fell for everything we dream about
It fell because we will never forget
Dom dom dom..
Light a candle and let it burn
Never let the hope fade away, it's dark now
But it will be lighter again
Light a candle for everything you believe in
For this planet we live on
Light a candle for the children of the earth
Dom dom dom...
Merry christmas and a happy new year
Promise to take care
A greeting to you
Light a candle and let it burn
Never let the hope fade away, it's dark now
But it will be lighter again
Light a candle for everything you believe in
For this planet we live on
Light a candle for the children of the earth
Oh, light a candle for the children of the earth
Light a candle for the children of the earth


Longing home

I'm longing home....very much so. It's like my heart is in terrible ache to leave and go back to Sweden.  To see all the beautiful colors of fall, leaves turning orange,  yellow and burning red. I checked a friend's pics from Sweden this morning and there it, yellow and burning red.

I felt like, what on earth am I doing here? I must miss a screw up there or something.  On the other hand are the things I like also here, well, just pick my breakfast for instance.  Sprouted Ragi boiled in milk with some sugar(very South India.  It's some "hirsch". Not that I know what that is either.) Amul butter. ..mmm...very tasty, especially on a toast on this yellow bread.  Yum!

Every foreign person feels this now and then.  I felt it when I lived in the US also.       Being homesick. My homesickness is on its peak right now.

I've also realized that I would never want to be a famous person, especially the stares of people everywhere you go. Unwanted attention as soon as you step outside the door,  and even sneaking in the back door through Internet. I told my husband this morning that I was even thinking about covering myself,  my hair and face when I go outside. Seriously.

What type of events lure in ones baggage when you start feeling like this?

(Ok so this is not my prime week in India,  but life can feel like this wherever you are. The sun is not shining all the time)

Friday, October 11, 2013

People of Sweden!

I'm sitting here in an auto.  When I go home, I will clean out the black from inside of  my nose.  I will scrub the grey from my feet and change clothes. 
We say we know that we have beautiful nature and that we appreciate it,  but I guess it's not until "it's no longer there" that I realized that it's in my genes,  Swedish nature is like air. It's just there, I need it to survive. ...and I took it for granted.
Bangalore was the garden city, but it has been destroyed.  Filled with garbage,  pot holes and toxic smoke from ancient vehicles;  Bangalore explodes into a construction frenzy to make a name as the IT city. It leaves me wondering. ..Garden City or IT City. ...hmm.
I miss fresh air and being able to walk barefoot on clean grass.  I miss our beautiful nature,  clean lakes, real laked the sound and smell of a forest in spring. I miss hiking and drinking water from the tap without being afraid of whatever toxic is filtered through the water.
Yes I've chosen to live here and love this country.  There are other areas where India is better than Sweden. ..but when it comes to nature....It makes me sad that humans just bulldozer down what is there for free in the name of profit margins. We will be the losers in the end, or maybe our children.
Gloomy picture yes, but true.  We just don't think about it because daily life is daily life and I guess it hurts on the inside.  It's like you know we (humans) are destroying the planet but we're stuck. Don't know what to do. It's to big or to difficult to take to heart.
I can still go back to nature's paradise but people here live this pollution every day. It's not fair. 
Sorry for the sad blog today but sometimes you have to discuss something serious.
The picture has nothing to do with this. It's just a beautiful contrast of the old mill building and the new MC.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Can anything surprise me...

This scene just popped up during a walk. Not eggs painted in Easter colors,  but the chickens.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Now we're talking

I guess a select few Swedish people get this. ...fresh Aloe


Well that's a nice car! An Indian classic in perfect condition.  BMW, Ferrari got nothing on this one.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Not a bread fan

At least not yet. He takes it, looks at it, put it in his walker seat and cries because it's there...the bread pieces

Friday, October 4, 2013


I don't know what to call this.  I can't show the "movie clip" needed. ..well here they are, my molded teeth. .Akakakaka.
Finally,  teeth business is over. I have my fake smile,  my night guard.  Puh. Honestly,  I've been so on the edge of this ordeal. (Well dental phobia is the most common phobia)...I'm tired now. 
I've decided to go live luxury housewife life for a few hours just to pamper myself and buy a box of doughnuts for my husband.  Nowadays, I always do that for him. You can only find good doughnuts in very few places and where I'm going today is one of them. Tata!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Remember my swing

I bought a swing for Lil Baba, similar to the one I had as a child and he absolutely loves it. So it is placed in the middle of our living room. I just knew it would be an instant hit because I actually remember how much I loved to be in the swing myself. My swing was placed between the kitchen and our hallway.

And he doesn't like to be still a single moment.  If I hold him, he starts wobbling and eventually crying. ...until I push him into a swing....then his face just shines of happiness. 

(I cover his face because I don't want facial recognition on him)

She sure has a fake smile

Sounds more dramatic (or maybe not) than it is. That she is really me. I got my 2 porcelain crowns fitted today so hopefully no more dentist for a while. The company 3M is like a mysterious company to me. We all know about PostIt but I know they have their fingers in a lot of cookie jars. They make teeth for instance, my teeth.

I was gonna put up a pic of he new teeth but it got to much of a close up...well....they look really good and if you ever need to see a fantastic dentist in Bangalore, contact me. She does not charge you "expat" price, is very skilled and super nice. She also plays Janet Jackson during your session.