Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sheriff's building

Dude, I've had it with my current bicycle.  It leaks air so I have to always carry a pump to fill the tires.  I'm about to take it to have it demolished like in the movies;  in a giant car crusher.

So I'm going to....apparently the Sheriff's building where there's a big bicycle shop...to buy a new one. This is one aspect of India that I greatly enjoy. ...how things are named. 

There is a Viking restaurant in Malleshwaram (no one I've ever met knows what a Viking is). The tiniest "hole in the wall" shop is called "luxury unisex saloon"....could also be endorsed by Zac Efron...hmmm wonder if he gets in on a cut? Ooh. Yesterday I saw that Hillary Duff sold a local table stand fan. Hehe

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