Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hot weather and hot temper

I don't know how much I sweat these days, and our landlord must have has a shock seeing our electricity bill this month.  It's the AC. Even local people complain about the heat.  Since I'm so exhausted it is difficult to find time (and inspiration for the blog).
One really fun thing though. ..I got a Hindi tutor!  Two times a week I'll see him and I'm very excited. I need to do something just for me and I really want to learn an Indian language,  both spoken and written.  For the written I use those books we had in first grade to learn the letters. First you trace the letter and then you write the same over and over.

The lil dude is also getting more and more fun. He's got such a hot temper and knows what he wants (instantly)...kind of like me. He loves walking around in Baby Björn and this is how angry he gets if you put him down. Hahaha.

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