Sunday, June 2, 2013

Incredible India!

That's a tag line you often hear about this country. ..but it's TRUE!
Just like every person and every country,  there is bad and good...but this country truly is incredible.
In this blog, I try to write about my thoughts and observations. I try to bring different views into it...well of course it's filtered through my eyes. I'm a human being with weak and strong sides, flesh and bone.

Always remember that I love being here. I love this vibrant surprising country and its people. I have grown as a person here. I see my own country with somewhat new eyes...the bad and good. The sum of it so to say.

The history and traditions of India amazes me. You could probably spend a lifetime just reading about this country and never get bored and always finding new areas to discover and explore.

One of the most important observations that I've made is this...behind every country,  its traditions and culture. ..when you see beyond all this...we are all the same, human beings trying to make the best of our lives. We care for our family and children. We have friends. We like food and to watch our favorite cricket/soccer/basketball game win a game.

The core, life is life. We are human beings all the same.

India is Incredible. The food here is the best in the world (according to me). It's a beautiful and fertile country with all the colors of the world.  Men, women and children are beautiful. I love to see people smile and when smaller children call me Aunty.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to be here. India is in my heart.

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