Friday, February 28, 2014

It's NOT ok!!

Background: A rare complication called "Dry Socket" from extraction of a molar tooth. This is considered one of the most painful complications since the nerves and bone is completely exposed.

I am sitting in the reception. A cotton ball with medicine has been placed in the Dry Socket and the pain makes my toes curl. 

- I need pain killer now. This is unbearable.
- Ooo, the Dr needs to give
- Ok, tell the Dr

The nurse walk in to the Dr office and returns

- Did you tell the Dr?
- It's ok
- NO, it's NOT ok
- It's ok
- NO IT'S NOT OK. Did you tell the Dr.
- Yes

20 minutes passes....I look at her

- It's OK
- No, it's not ok. Do you even speak English?

Another nurse comes in.

- Hi, I need to speak to the Dr.
- Ooo, he's out for lunch

Sunday, February 16, 2014

It's hand painted!!

The entire place, Smokehouse Deli, a huge building,  2 story restaurant, cafe, bars, toilets,  and painted by hand with black marker pen. All the walls and decorations! 

Believe me,  I checked.  Wonder how many pens and hours it took?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Visit of the day

We live right next to the Veterinary University of Bangalore.  Ok, I didn't go there, but on their premises is an animal shelter.  Why did I go? There's a street dog in horrible shape and I just need to do something. for treatment or just something. 

So my friend Google showed this shelter and soon I found myself inspecting a huge shelter with dogs, cats and farm animals.  As you can imagine,  their needs are great. Food, supplies,  wood boards for the dogs to sleep at. Volunteer help taking dogs for a walk,  bathing them,...the list goes on. Now I'm somewhat overwhelmed.  In a place where people struggle to survive,  animals come second. 

Should I get involved or not. Should I sponsor something?  It always this when you step into the situation of the needy...humans or animals. ..the demands are huge. Help me, help me..their eyes cry to me and I want to save them all. I start dreaming of being rich like Bill Gates. What good I could use the money for. Head spinning and spinning. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Just ONE laddo

I just had ONE laddo instead of a biscuit. ..

Human beingist

My parents are not perfect,  but I always felt immensely loved growing up. I never reflected or thought about that being a girl I should be a certain way. It was like,  same same, man and woman...human beings. ..what else.

Yesterday, a feminist friend on Facebook posted a brilliant link describing how women learn how to act and behave NOT to attract unwanted attention.  For instance. ...passing a group of men...the woman walks by with a stone face looking in the other direction. Not because she wants to act cold, but because she doesn't want that flirty unwanted attention.

I am the lucky one living in a marriage based on equality.  Yes, we're different but all human beings are different beyond being a man or woman.  Last week I was forced off the road while driving my scooter. Of course,  I assumed the only reason was something wrong with my scooter. ...but boy was I mistaken. My fear of an imminent crash turned to anger when the guy said - where are you from?  I drove off faster than a bullet.  Then he chases me and ask if we can be friends.  NOOOO! I screamed. This was in broad daylight on one of the busiest streets of Bangalore. Big deal you might think.  Idiots are everywhere...but it's not the first time and it's not ok.

I realize that the freedom that I'm used to and grew up with is not free. Someone said,  we have to remember the struggle women went through to gain rights to vote  etc

I'm a married woman who feels like a prey each time I step out the door. Like an antelope,  I am nervous,  always on my guard to escape, survive and just trying to live the life I was given.

Sunday, February 2, 2014