Friday, June 21, 2013

Still here, just problems with my phone

Since I do most my blogging on my phone, ie on the go so to say and since there I have problems with the most recent version of Blogger....blogging has been much less. My posts come to me when I'm out doing things because that is when I see things or think about things more in depth.

When I'm at home, I think about my baby and then sleep. Lately, I've been extremely tired, just tired. Last night, I went to bed at 9pm which is like a first.

Hopefully I'll get my Blogger app to work to I can blog like before. (This could be enough reason for me to get a new phone)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Things you do when. ..

Tired with a baby...

- Pour coffee powder in your breakfast cereal
- Wake up unable to open up glued eyelids,  then realizing you forgot to remove your contact lenses
- Come home and become totally upset because someone stole your bicycle. ..only to remember you left it at your husband's office
- You wake up and seriously don't know where you are for 10 minutes
- Go downtown with a big mango puke on your white top
- In terms of baby stop caring basically.  A spot here and there, well who cares


The biggest butterfly I've seen. I think it is a night butterfly because the body is thick like a sausage.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

From a heart in pain

I don't try to be a good and responsible person. Then things happen and knock you down. You pick yourself up and keep on going,  going and going. 

How many problems and setbacks can one person handle? More than you could ever imagine is the answer.

The innocence of children and childhood is the only reflection of God on this planet. Life is a struggle for us all. Therefore I seek peace and joy in the innocent smile of my beloved son.

Money Tree

That western people have a money tree at home. something many local people think and many westerners talk about.

It's a misconception just like there are polar bears walking on the streets in my country for instance.It's relative of course like almost everything in the world.  If I compare myself to a really poor person...yes...but the frustrating thing if you happen to be a westerner is that many people try to take advantage of you because "you have unlimited money", ie a money tree.

A very wise man, lets call him S, once said that "the love for money is the root of all evil". That is global. ..people all over the world chase money.

In my life I've had money and I've been poor. Today we went to a bank to open up a savings account.  It was jam packed with people and when I spoke to the girl at the information desk, she said - you can go in there and wait. A few seconds later, my husband and I sit by ourselves in the Gold Lounge. People start looking at money tree. get it.

The thing about money is that "the money language" is also global. Everyone understands it, everyone wants it, talks it, some master it, are victims of it,  abuse it, needs it, chases talks basically.

I still agree with S. The love for money is the root of all evil. Actually, this wise man said many things I agree with.  Do you know who I'm talking about?

Thursday, June 13, 2013


It's so nice to eat something "non-spicy" for a change. I love Indian food,  but also some variety.

Didn't know Schumacher. ..

Was planning on being my cab driver today? Watch out. ..Bangalore traffic!  Even felt car sick several times.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

This letter. ...gha

I'm having such a difficult time pronouncing this letter...gha...

I can do it but my whole body goes into some syntax error mode. Dude,  and I look funny which makes it even more difficult.  I start laughing,  my tutor starts laughing and then it's almost impossible.  Haha.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Security Guard...hardworking cont.

There are a lot of security guards here. You see them at offices, apartment buildings,  villas, stores, and there are even dedicated guards to look after cars or dogs!

Many of them want to do their best job although the job itself does not have so many task except just being or sleeping at a place.  Security guards at stores greet and meet,  take and store your bag (if you bring one). They also check the your purchase and receipt when you leave the store. Some really want to make a good impression even though most clients don't even notice (or care) about them. That is why I have begun to acknowledge them much more. I let them take all the time in th the world to control and count my shopping bag. I try to show that they are important during those short minutes that we interact.

Why? We all want to feel important.  That we are needed and appreciated. To many western people it seems ridiculous that there is a dedicated guard with a whistle at every escalator in the mall, or that a person sits in every elevator with an entire job description "to press buttons". They are needed here and people need a job.

Security guards often "live" their job. They sleep at the ATM or at the lawn of a Villa.  Try doing that! So many people in the West complain,  but have bo idea what a rough job really is. These people work day and night for a very low salary.

That is why I try to see the human being behind the blue shirt, black pants an security guard badge.

Which title to pick?

Baby alarm, this is my place,  I also like to go in the stroller,  don't leave me,  how do you dare to leave me,  did they build this place just for me!?

Friday, June 7, 2013

Lil Baba food

It's impossible to make Lil Baba eat what he doesn't like,  ie carrots. He likes mango, apple and bananas.

Yesterday's loot, two different kinds on mango mash, mango juice, apple puree. Both big pack and meal size.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Guard Dog

I've always said he's a guard dog.  Small in size but....

Now this is a standoff. (It got away eventually)

The Hardworking Indian

So many people,  actually mostly locals, talk about people being lazy. Another major complaint is related to the Auto Rikshaw drivers.

Auto Rikshaw drivers seems to me the most hardworking people.  Actually all people in the lower end of the pay range struggle and work so hard. They cannot afford being lazy basically.

I don't know why, but probably because they're so looked down upon and blamed for so much; auto drivers have some kind of special place in my heart.  Yesterday I took a long ride in an auto and after the initial bargaining, emotional outrage that I didn't want to pay a ridiculous sum and "madam, come let's go see some shops"...we started talking, like really talking to each other.  Two human beings, not I'm a white foreign woman and he's an Indian auto driver.

Behind his mask was a thinking human being.  He explained about his life and. only thought was wow..that's a hard working person. I tried to put myself in his shoes. Work day and night.  Sleep in your auto.  Constantly inhaling the pollution from traffic (which really is bad. If you end up behind a blue bus at a traffic light, it burns in your throat. I wash myself after a day out and the sink turns black.) Eating food from a trolley by the road etc. Difficult.

At the end of the ride he said - This was a really nice talk. I thought the same.  Both meant it.

I will talk more about the hardworking Indian later. I have studied them everywhere and there are many more stories to tell.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Kiss to Drink

Ok?, you might think if you're from a western country. Let me tell you. In India,  people usually drink by pouring the water into the mouth. You keep the bottle away from your lips, basically so you can share bottle or cup.

I have a foreign friend who was so upset after her visit to a hospital because the nurse gave her water from "her own bottle"! You understand?  This lady did not know that "kiss to drink" is not the norm here.

Bisleri is a very big water company here and their new campaign is what the picture says. So unless you understand how water drinking works in this country,  you might be like...uuh, eh, ok but so what?

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Ok I'm already married. ..

But I guess (or I don't know) every woman (if she's really honest) loves these magazines.

Not that I can afford the items, or even if I could, would ever buy them. I am to cheap nowadays.  There is always some more "worthy" cause.  My baby, the household,  some other person in need or similar.

Does this come with age? Kind of...when I was much younger,  I would easily spend all the money in the bank (and piggy bank to buy candy as a kid) to buy a pair of shoes or a vacation. Now, I always think every purchase through. There are shoes that I've been eye balling for up to a year, waiting for sale and even then being to cheap to buy.

Maybe I don't care as much of outward appearance?  Also true! When you're young (or old) it's so important to fit in and be or look successful.  Materialism consumes this world.  A fancy address,  a Land Rover,  expensive jewelry and designer clothes.  Mix and match to show off to the world. It's so empty. ..

Or maybe it's because other things matter more in life? Yes, I think that is the main reason. It's like Jim Carey said "I wish everyone could be rich and famous so they would realize that is not the answer"

Nowadays it's my baby who is my fancy adress, my sports car, my 100 carat diamond and the biggest designer wardrobe in the world. He is everything to me. His smile,  his blue eyes,  chubby legs, and when we take a nap together.

This is what life is all about.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

If you're Swedish. .

You understand.

Incredible India!

That's a tag line you often hear about this country. ..but it's TRUE!
Just like every person and every country,  there is bad and good...but this country truly is incredible.
In this blog, I try to write about my thoughts and observations. I try to bring different views into it...well of course it's filtered through my eyes. I'm a human being with weak and strong sides, flesh and bone.

Always remember that I love being here. I love this vibrant surprising country and its people. I have grown as a person here. I see my own country with somewhat new eyes...the bad and good. The sum of it so to say.

The history and traditions of India amazes me. You could probably spend a lifetime just reading about this country and never get bored and always finding new areas to discover and explore.

One of the most important observations that I've made is this...behind every country,  its traditions and culture. ..when you see beyond all this...we are all the same, human beings trying to make the best of our lives. We care for our family and children. We have friends. We like food and to watch our favorite cricket/soccer/basketball game win a game.

The core, life is life. We are human beings all the same.

India is Incredible. The food here is the best in the world (according to me). It's a beautiful and fertile country with all the colors of the world.  Men, women and children are beautiful. I love to see people smile and when smaller children call me Aunty.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to be here. India is in my heart.