Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A picky eater

Well he likes boiled carrots and the Indian dahl (lentils gravy). He's got the Masala in his blood. 

I was also a picky eater and now "karma" is coming back to bite me... I cook and spend so much time in the kitchen that I've even started to enjoy myself.  Haha. I used to run away from the kitchen and my food motto was "fast, simple and tasty". If you know me you know. 

Baby food is practically non existing so everything is home made, which means I had to reluctantly take baby steps into the kitchen sphere. Little by little,  I've become more a confident chef and nowadays I spend every day cooking whatever I can think of....sometimes to see the picky eater throw the food to the dogs...but hey....they're happy!  The revival and golden age of two pomeranians.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Construction prejudice...funny

I saw this Playmobil monter outside a toy store today and started laughing at the prejudiced scenery. At the bottom is an oil spill that they are cleaning up and the guys having a "lunchbreak" seem to be drinking from alcohol bottles...or is it just my brain referring to the famous old New York posters we all know...or is it an Indian view of a construction site and workers. ..either way. ..it's funny

Friday, February 28, 2014

It's NOT ok!!

Background: A rare complication called "Dry Socket" from extraction of a molar tooth. This is considered one of the most painful complications since the nerves and bone is completely exposed.

I am sitting in the reception. A cotton ball with medicine has been placed in the Dry Socket and the pain makes my toes curl. 

- I need pain killer now. This is unbearable.
- Ooo, the Dr needs to give
- Ok, tell the Dr

The nurse walk in to the Dr office and returns

- Did you tell the Dr?
- It's ok
- NO, it's NOT ok
- It's ok
- NO IT'S NOT OK. Did you tell the Dr.
- Yes

20 minutes passes....I look at her

- It's OK
- No, it's not ok. Do you even speak English?

Another nurse comes in.

- Hi, I need to speak to the Dr.
- Ooo, he's out for lunch

Sunday, February 16, 2014

It's hand painted!!

The entire place, Smokehouse Deli, a huge building,  2 story restaurant, cafe, bars, toilets,  and outside....is painted by hand with black marker pen. All the walls and decorations! 

Believe me,  I checked.  Wonder how many pens and hours it took?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Visit of the day

We live right next to the Veterinary University of Bangalore.  Ok, I didn't go there, but on their premises is an animal shelter.  Why did I go? There's a street dog in horrible shape and I just need to do something. ...pay for treatment or just something. 

So my friend Google showed this shelter and soon I found myself inspecting a huge shelter with dogs, cats and farm animals.  As you can imagine,  their needs are great. Food, supplies,  wood boards for the dogs to sleep at. Volunteer help taking dogs for a walk,  bathing them,...the list goes on. Now I'm somewhat overwhelmed.  In a place where people struggle to survive,  animals come second. 

Should I get involved or not. Should I sponsor something?  It always this when you step into the situation of the needy...humans or animals. ..the demands are huge. Help me, help me..their eyes cry to me and I want to save them all. I start dreaming of being rich like Bill Gates. What good I could use the money for. Head spinning and spinning. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014