Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A picky eater

Well he likes boiled carrots and the Indian dahl (lentils gravy). He's got the Masala in his blood. 

I was also a picky eater and now "karma" is coming back to bite me... I cook and spend so much time in the kitchen that I've even started to enjoy myself.  Haha. I used to run away from the kitchen and my food motto was "fast, simple and tasty". If you know me you know. 

Baby food is practically non existing so everything is home made, which means I had to reluctantly take baby steps into the kitchen sphere. Little by little,  I've become more a confident chef and nowadays I spend every day cooking whatever I can think of....sometimes to see the picky eater throw the food to the dogs...but hey....they're happy!  The revival and golden age of two pomeranians.

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