Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Can't leave Lil Baba anymore  (We never ever leave him ever if potential danger, on a bed or similar) on his floor mattress.  We keep mattresses made of coconut fiber and some foam material in the living room and the bedroom.  It's nice for him to get som free space to do his thing. ..without any risk of falling down.arms and legs all over the place basically. This morning we found him partly on the floor and head on mattress so he's more mobile than we thought.

I wanted to flush his nose with saline sterile solution (not suck with my mouth that some people do here). Since this is not common knowledge. ..dude...so difficult to explain what I wanted at the pharmacy.  They showed me different drops,  contact lens fluids and finally I got what I wanted. But I had to go to the pharmacy with the needy sales person.  First thing!  - where have you been? ?? With an accusing tone. .. That is why he's my place of last resort.

This guy is like - Where do you live?  Ooo you live at that big house (without me telling), I can deliver,  we are friends now, can I have your address,  your telephone nr.....bla bla.

Needy people. ..the story of my life.

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