Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Horror Hours

Like I wrote about before, when bad things happen in my life,  they cluster together all at once.  Imagine a bunch of computer nerds when/if Apple give away free Iphone 5...ok

My Dr appointment was late and everything got delayed.  Traffic was bad and I spilled coffee on my white top...a big brown stain across my boobs. Ok so I'm stressed out trying to hurry back to my other appointment. ..then the auto driver spits so much part of his saliva flows into my mouth! !! YUCK....whereas I basically get a full blown panic attack so my husband hears the full conversation (with the auto driver) on my un switched phone in my questioning auto driver for diseases.  - tooth ache he says. Sorry madam.. .who cares!!! Then another auto driver starts talking to me and I yell...- I just got that guy's spit in my mouth.  Do you think I want to go with you now when I need to gargle and spit myself.

Ok, ok...#walk to my husband's office. #light headed and everything around me is reddish color..note...panic attack. #beggar boy say baaaa #men stare at me cus I spit here and there.

I've partly calmed down now. Only in this country does things like these happen.

Monday, August 26, 2013


I was driving today and saw this little hitchhiker on the back of my scooter.  Lucky for spider that the web was still intact.  Well, they say there's nothing as strong,  comparatively, as the thread of a spider.

Driving here is different, but I tell myself that if I roamed in LA traffic, then I can do it here.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Kitchen help

Seriously,  what's wrong with this picture.  I was going to show the corn before and after....but there she is...always. The kitchen help, unwanted kitchen help. Like a tiny "dust rat" moving around your feet.

We love you Sting.

One man's trash...

Another dog's treasure.

- Sting, get away from the trash bin!

^^trash bin, trash bin!!!!!! are u nuts. This is the treasure chest in this house^^

Friday, August 23, 2013

Shoot from the hip

Is a famous expression.  That's what it feels like for me right now. I'm trying to aim for Lil Baba's mouth with the porridge spoon.

This is the first time in his high chair eating food. ...and everything is everywhere! I feel like the non qualifying sharp shooter with a score of like 3 (10). One bulls eye and the others...well.

Foot on a table,  plate on the foot, porridge in the hair,  on the nose, grabbing mommas watch, throwing bottle on the floor, kicking down the cup. Lol. It's fun for me also. A baby spectacle.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

To let...

I know some people who search for a new apartment. ....wonder what the rent is at this place,  mens restroom at a restaurant.  Lol

A mother's love

Dude. I love my baby!  I really really love him! It's been such a struggle during and after pregnancy with my health and the QUEST of losing baby weight and getting back into shape.

"First you feel the results,  then you see them" says a lady in one of my exercise dvd's. I've said this one liner to myself every day.  Losing a lot of weight, working out 3 times every week as a new mom takes willpower....especially when you're so tired all the time.  Lack of sleep is torture for a person who needs a lot of sleep.

I'm so proud of myself now when my body is getting strong and I'm starting to feel like myself again.

Yesterday when I held lil Baba, I felt for the first time - now I've adjusted to being a mother and he is a part of this family.  He is accepted.

What do you mean by "accepted". I'm telling the truth only.  Becoming a parent is the most life changing event ever...especially for a woman because she carries the baby for nine months and then her body has to heal which takes longer than you might think,  at least for me. On top of this you have a new human being in your care. Someone who is completely dependant on you, helpless.  It's huuuge! This is life, creating a new life.

So an overwhelming and lengthy process of adjusting myself to motherhood is now at peace.  Inner peace.  Joy, excitement and comfort.  I love my baby and my husband, and they love me.

Today is a good day. I've been to the tailor to get a sari stitched.  I have this hour to just do nothing.  I have time to take a nap in the afternoon.  Then I will cuddle and play with my baby.  I will kiss his neck and hold him tight.

I am truly an "auspicious" person ;-)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Carrot top / Red rogaine

I just saw an Indian carrot top, he had colored his white hair orange. To me it looks funny to say the least but it's very common here....people with orange or red hair, beards and mustaches. 

Why I asked my Indian friend.  -o yes she said.  They put henna in the hair.

(But it still looks like a circus clown.....;-))

Update: I asked my tutor about this and according to him this is an anti-hair loss treatment.  He said the red goes away and they do it to prevent hair fall.  Ha! Behind every behavior there's a story. I love the story that answers all my Why questions.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Can't leave Lil Baba anymore  (We never ever leave him ever if potential danger, on a bed or similar) on his floor mattress.  We keep mattresses made of coconut fiber and some foam material in the living room and the bedroom.  It's nice for him to get som free space to do his thing. ..without any risk of falling down.arms and legs all over the place basically. This morning we found him partly on the floor and head on mattress so he's more mobile than we thought.

I wanted to flush his nose with saline sterile solution (not suck with my mouth that some people do here). Since this is not common knowledge. difficult to explain what I wanted at the pharmacy.  They showed me different drops,  contact lens fluids and finally I got what I wanted. But I had to go to the pharmacy with the needy sales person.  First thing!  - where have you been? ?? With an accusing tone. .. That is why he's my place of last resort.

This guy is like - Where do you live?  Ooo you live at that big house (without me telling), I can deliver,  we are friends now, can I have your address,  your telephone nr.....bla bla.

Needy people. ..the story of my life.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Not fat enough for the elevator

I'm not fat enough for our elevator anymore.  I never used to have any problems with it but now, it doesn't move when I press the button. I started make one small jump when I want to go down. ..just to get some extra weight under my shoes.  Hahaha

Sunday, August 11, 2013

MOO soon

Well. During the monsoon even Mama Moo finds shelter in a random open garage

Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday status

Came home to a baby with a cold and bad mood.  No proper sleep three nights in a row. Exhausted from Swedish visit wanting to be the best Mom for my lil sick Baba. everything,  washing all his things, cuddle bonanza,  carrying galore ..result super tired and now on Monday finally some "alone" time with 4 hours sleep. 

Sometimes I wonder why "everything" happen at the same time.  Then usually,  "everything" is over just like that! 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Nanananana...Life is life. ..

Remember that song? Well,  it's on the radio now. I hate saying goodbye.  However where there's a goodbye,  there's usually a hello! I'm leaving some of my most precious people to return to my most precious people.
Still....leaving is horrible.  In a dream world we would all live together....have our own house on a huge land with sea view.
Ok. Life is life. ..for sure.  I'm leaving my little gummibjörn strawberry blonde sister and returning to where I truly need to be now.
See you Sweden in Xmas!