Tuesday, January 28, 2014

"Needle"ss to say

To any person suffering from severe phobia of dentists. .. (the endodontist, root canal specialist, is VERY GOOD  but I'm also very phobic)

- please don't stick anything in the root canals without giving anesthesia.!!! I might hit someone
- I have to do it first without anesthesia to be able to locate which roots are the problem.

He starts to poke into my hollowed out roots with a yellow needle that in my eyes looks like a huge torture weapon ... ..imagine how it feels with no pain relief when the needle hits touchdown. .ie the infected nerve ending. Imagine the experience for me, dental phobia numero uno, with every cell in my body in the alarm mode.

I put my hopes and prayers that this endodontist is my reverse"tooth fairy". He will save my teeth from falling out.

"Needle"ss to say, I'm exhausted.  Good night. Over and out.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Quelle Collage!!!

Tr`es belle. ...mais non??? The "rat" to the right is the flattest rat I've seen. Maybe because I found it pressed into the road. The left rat was more of a bloated version. ...ok not the prettiest pics of the day.

I spent most of my day at the hospital and since I'm tired of autos, I drove there on my scooter. ...on the busiest streets of Bangalore.  I'm very proud of myself. Judging by the looks on the other drivers....I guess I'm the only blonde white woman on a scooter.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Cataract Snake

We only walked around our area....but the things I saw today. ..haha.  One man selling rat poison,  two dead rats and this poor cataract snake with pulled teeth.

När du får oväntat besök

When you receive unexpected visitors was the slogan of a famous Swedish coffee commercial.  I guess this qualifies for an Indian version. ...three calves trying to get in your frob door.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Always laugh at this one

At public toilets at malls. Well I guess it's there for a reason and whatever floats your boat. I like the bottom left one. Don't squat holding on to the toilet while doing your business on the floor. ..

Friday, January 17, 2014

Castle to Hut

One day lavish lunch at the poshest Leelah Palace and the day after a modest dinner of butter naan and coffee at.....well not the poshest hotel in another city.  (I don't smoke. ..the ash tray was there as the only decoration. ..unless the remote control counts as one).

I love this. Changes in life.  I like the action.  To see different walks of life. Adventure. 

Chittoor, Tirupatu

Nellore,  Kavali, Ongole. ...look it up. I don't think many Swedes have traveled this road less traveled. 

This is my journey for the day and it reminds me what I love about India and that is the countryside.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The day I lost control

Over the kitchen.  I was going to show my 2kg fresh tuna for 400rs (40kr) and my ugly yellow root canal teeth stumps. ...but instead I totally lost control over the kitchen.  Lil Baba potted 3 times while I was cooking.  The knife was to dull to cut the tuna that turned out like mish mash and over cooked.  The dogs were crazy from the smell of fresh fish and the kitchen wall was splatter in coconut oil.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Root canal...again

Let's start the new year by redoing the root canals! Sounds like a bad joke but it's true.  My left sinus (root canal side) started dripping constantly and I have no allergies.  I can feel something is wrong and my breath is much worse. ..yuck.

On top of this,  I have top 1 headache of my life.  I've wrapped a huge scarf over my head to relieve pressure by adding pressure.

I'm so mad at the dentist who messed this up from the beginning.  He sticks his head in the sand and doesn't answer questions.  Hello. ..it's more than your pride I want to tell him. It's my mouth,  my teeth and ultimately my health.

Swedish/ Indian Curry

Hmmm. I'm getting pretty good at this cooking thing...by the way. ..I told my husband. ..-I'm not cooking today (Saturday). So what we got for dinner?  Three course leftover meal with pasta, fish and potatoes and pancakes (basically my dishes from Thursday and Friday)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The ONE you feed - Our Bangalore Reality

I've always been fascinated by Native American. They seemed to be completely in touch with nature and it's like they were born with more wisdom than people in general. I remember watching movies and always feeling such sorrow that they eventually lost their lands ...(Ok, I'm no history expert and I know that all were not Mr. Nice Guy...so that's my disclaimer.)

In our very affluent neighborhood in Bangalore are approximately 300 houses and only around 50 have paid the garbage fee that is around 200rs /month (20 SEK). People are to cheap to pay this ridiculously inexpensive amount which means that we have no contractor to pick up our garbage. Can you believe it!!! So where are we going to "dump" our waste....on the streets or what. I'm embarrassed how greedy rich people can be.

A Cherokee Legend

An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. "A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.

"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego." He continued, "The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

Friday, January 10, 2014

I'll do anything for you. ...

Even cooking.  "When H*** freezes" is an expression. ..or basically when I became a mother, I started cooking.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Rat Rattle

It's quite a shock returning to see all the garbage and dirt everywhere.  A city that has exploded beyond control.  Sorry but what I'm writing is daily news here in Bangalore.

I don't know where to take my child outside.  There are public parks but I feel...well I don't want him to play there. I understand why rich people build huge gated fortresses from within they lurk; no need to ever leave.  The pool,  gym and garden well everything is there and it's safe.

I wouldn't want to live inside a fortress where the outside world has to be shielded off. On the other hand,   I understand the reason why because the public space is overcrowded and extremely dirty.

If I let Lil Baba play in the park and find him in dog feases or playing a dead Rat Rattle..you get the picture...Today I saw two birds eating a dead rat by the park so the image is fresh in my mind...

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Universe plus infinity Sale

Ok. Not the store's biggest sale, or Bangalore,  India,  Asia..no the Planet's Biggest Sale...what's next  Universe plus infinity sale.

R u kidding me?

This is a real screen shot. I was browsing to check which movies are showing in Bangalore.  Haha...look at the censor classification.  The last one...for doctors etc. Which movies go under this category?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

First shocking sight

On our way home from the airport in the middle of the night,  we pass a truck with an open back compartment. ...and what do we see tightly tied under a blue "presenning"...a pair of human legs.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

I saw a sign

Baby changing station in the mens bathroom at the airport. ...

How long before you see this type of sign in India? 

Friday, January 3, 2014

The Genius Baloo

The genius Baloo (Jungle Book Movie) sang my New Year's resolution on Christmas Eve. I have edited the text I'm gonna hang on my wall this year.

- Look for the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities
- Forget about your worries
- Wherever I wander, wherever I roam, I couldn't be fonder of my big home
- The bees are buzzin in the trees,
to make some honey just for me
- The bare necessities of life will come to you. They'll come to you! 
- And don't spend your time lookin' around for something you want that can't be found when you find out you can live without it.

The bare necessities of life will come to you. They'll come to you