Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Crying baby to relax

I read this one today and like the final punchline...the baby would like to relax by having a good cry.
Nice...well...maybe not if you ask the parents...but what to do  

Crying for apparently no reason at all
Sometimes though you have taken care of all your baby's basic needs, she just will not stop crying. Some studies indicate that four out of five babies have daily crying sessions lasting from 15 minutes to an hour for no apparent reason. These crying jags usually occur in the evening that tends to be the busiest time of the day. There may be a lot of noise and activity as the rest of the family returns home and prepares to settle down for the evening. Babies often cannot tolerate this heightened hustle and bustle. For the baby it could be the end of a tiring day, taking in new sights, sounds and smells. After the sensory overload, the baby would like to relax by having a good cry.

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